What the hell is this forum ?

A link over that puddle of water called "Channel"...
("Ye Olde Leaf Forum" for approximate-english speaking people...)
Règles du forum
Rule #1 :
be courteous, be creative, be weird, be chuffed, but be yourself...
Rule #2 :
read rule #1 again, from time to time...

What the hell is this forum ?

Messagepar landyman » Lun 5 Jan 2009 19:48

Tempted by close encounters of the third kind ? This is the right place ! :mrgreen:
Some have already experienced to approach us... And some have even been released...

So, don't be afraid of us... :brutos:
- planning a trip to France ? :no:
- wanting to buy a less-corroded-chassis-leafer ? :mrgreen:
- looking for a 'proper' cooking recipe to accomodate froglegs with Worcestershire sauce ? :miam:

There are maybe better places to get a decent answer to your requests...
But this one will try to be as friendly as possible... :angel:

And remember... "drive on the right" !!! :drive:

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Messages: 5352
Enregistré le: Mar 15 Jan 2008 03:58
Localisation: en Aveyron, cette ile unique, entourée de terre...

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